Preventing Suicide: How To Discuss The Subject With Your Children

Posted on: 11 May 2018
If you're a parent, you should consider speaking to your children about suicide. An alarming number of teens and even younger children have been committing suicide due to bullying, issues going on at home, and other problems. In the moment, those children may believe the only option they have is to end their lives rather than living through the pain and depression, but it's important for them to understand that suicide isn't the answer.
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Setting Up Your School's Office: Furnishing Ideas To Consider

Posted on: 28 December 2017
Your school's office is the hub of activity in the building, and it serves a wide range of purposes for parents, students, and teachers. That's why having the right furniture in the room is crucial. Here are some furnishing ideas to consider as you plan your office remodel or refresh. Student Desks Give students a way to make the most of their time by adding student desks to the waiting area.
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Math Games To Help Your Child Learn Addition

Posted on: 10 September 2017
If your young child is struggling to learn how to add while in math class at school, the following math games will help them learn basic addition and feel confident when completing math worksheets in class or homework assignments. Use Pictures As Visual Aids Purchase a blank pad of paper and markers or colored pencils. Sit down with your child at a table inside of your home. Draw pictures of items and ask your child to group them together.
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Are Your School Desk Seating Arrangements Helping or Hindering the Learning Process?

Posted on: 1 May 2017
The traditional row and column seating arrangement doesn't always create the most efficient learning environment. Many schools are starting to focus more on just how seating arrangements can improve or hinder a student's ability to learn. Depending on the goal and teaching method, you may want consider alternative seating arrangements. School Desk Arrangement Dictates Focus How you arrange your school desks will influence where students place the majority of their focus.
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